After hours on-call

On-call escalation & contact services, delivered by experienced customer care agents using industry-leading call triage and management systems.

Be there for your customers and staff, even when you aren’t

Our 24/7 on-call phone services mean there’s always a professional looking after your customers – whether it’s an everyday enquiry or an emergency – even when you and your staff are off-duty.

24/7 365

After hours escalation management

Learn about the fail-safe call transfer and escalation protocols we’ll develop with you, ensuring every after-hours support request or phone call is handled just the way you and your customers expect: answered, managed and, where necessary, escalated to your rostered on-call personnel.

Council and government call centre services

Find out about our experience providing call centre services for councils and government agencies across Australia, and the specialist systems we’ve developed to ensure every call – no matter how complex, no matter what the hour – is handled and managed flawlessly.

Let's talk
Discover howwe can help

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